In this tutorial we will query the SQL Server database AdventureWorksDW2017 with python. We will do this by using pyodbc which is an open source Python module that makes accessing ODBC databases very simple.
1. Create an Anaconda Environment and Install the Necessary Packages
This step isn’t strictly necessary. You can skip creating a dedicated anaconda environment if you prefer, but you will need to make sure that you have the necessary packages installed to follow the remaining parts of this tutorial.
From the anaconda prompt create an anaconda environment called whatever you like. I have chosen to name it da-py37, da for data analysis and py37 for the python version to be installed.
conda create --name da-py37 python=3.7
Activate your environment
conda activate da-py37
Install the necessary packages
conda install numpy pandas pillow jupyter pyodbc
You might be wondering what is Pillow and why we will be needing it. Below when we query the Adventure Works database we will query the dbo.DimEmployee table which happens to contain photos of the employees. The pillow package will allow us to handle the images.
The next step is to output a file containing the names and version numbers of the packages installed. You do not necessarily need to do this, but I think it is good practice to create a requirements file that contains a list of all packages used in this project for later use. It is very handy for reproducibility, especially if you intend to try to do something similar later on.
conda list -e > aw-2-requirements.txt
2. Get Server Name and Database Name
If you are not sure what the name of your server is, then open SQL Server Management Studio and browse server name. My server name is identified by the red rectangle.

Connect to the server which has AdventureWorksDW2017 loaded in it. Now look in the Object explorer window. Expand databases and you should see all the databases you have loaded listed. We want the AdventureWorksDW2017 database. If you expand the Tables folder you can see a list of tables in the database. We will be making use of the dbo.DimEmployee table in this tutorial.

3. Connecting to the Adventure Works Database
Import packages
import pandas as pd
import pyodbc
from PIL import Image
import io
Connect to the Database
Define variables to store the server and database names obtained in step 2.
server_name = "DESKTOP-T6KCVJT"
db_name = "AdventureWorksDW2017"
Define the following string connnection_str using the variables above
connection_str = 'Driver={SQL Server};' + 'Server=' + server_name + ";Database=" + db_name + ";Trusted_Connection=yes;"
Now use this string as an argument to the pyodbc.connect function which will make a connection to the database.
conn = pyodbc.connect(connection_str)
4. Querying the AdventrureWorksDW2017 Database
Now we will query the Adventure Works database returning the whole DimEmployee table which will be put it into a pandas dataframe. First we define a string containing our SQL query.
query_1 = "SELECT * FROM dbo.DimEmployee"
Please note that if you want to perform a more complicated query that spans several lines you should enclose the string with triple quotation marks, i.e., “”“Your More Complicated Query Here”“”. Finally to query the database we make use of the pandas library function read_sql which returns the data as a pandas dataframe.
df = pd.read_sql(query_1, conn)
We can get some summary information about the dataframe, e.g., column names, data types etcetera, by using pandas function

5. Taking a Peek at the Employee Mug Shots
In the image above we notice that the table stores the photos of each of the 296 employees. To print the very first entry in the EmployeePhoto field we do the following:
pic = df.EmployeePhoto[0]
If you do this you will notice that it is a very long string of the form “b’\xff\xd8\xff\xe0\x00\x10JFIF\x00\x01\x01\x01\x00H\x00H …….’”. This is a binary string and the JFIF marker indicates it is a JPEG image. If you would like to write this binary string to a *.jpg file this is easily done by defining the following function:
def save_img(bin_str_img,name_img):
with open (name_img,"wb") as f:
Above we note that ‘wb’ means write binary. To show the image we make use of the io and PIL packages
image_stream = io.BytesIO(pic)
image_file =

We can also save it using"employee-again.jpg")
This employee’s information can be easily accessed using the iloc function. Afterwhich, we find out this guys name is Guy R. Gilbert and he is a production technician.

In this tutorial we looked at connecting to and querying an SQL Server database using python. Now that you know how to connect to database in SQL Server you can also interact with the database using python in other ways, e.g., updating and deleting records if you so desire. In later tutorials we will look at performing more complex queries, creating visualisations with Power BI and we will also work in some machine learning along the way as well.
Further Reading
D. L. Whittenbury, Blog post: “AW-1: Obtaining, Loading and Querying the Adventure Works Database”, April 2020.
Documentation on pyodbc
Specific information about connecting to SQL Server from Windows in the pyodbc documentation